Portal to the World of Industrial Robotics

MetraRobotics is a multidisciplinary engineering center with its own production facilities and highly qualified technical staff. Our specialty is industrial robotics and digitalization of production processes. We are the first in the country to  be able to combine the main assets competences, these are people and robotic technologies, into a single ecosystem. We managed to do it due to all our experience and practice accumulated.

Our key task is to push partners one step closer to technological excellence and  up to a new stage of industrial revolution. We help companies pass through all the steps of robotization from feasibility study to creation of a corporate branch center of competence.

One of the key vectors of MetraRobotics strategic development is automation of the internal logistics of warehouses and production sites with autonomous mobile robots (AMR) and automatic guided vehicles  (AGV).

Smart transport is used to create mobile robotic cells, flexible conveyors, to automate interim weight control. Smart transportation is easily integrated into the existing IT architecture of the company, operates in autonomous safe mode, it has high performance.

MetraRobotics provides a full range of services in a ‘one-stop shop’, from process audit and development of industry solutions up to launch and maintenance of turnkey robotized technological complex.

We make safe and effective solutions, as it’s important for us, that they bring solid profit.   With this object in mind MetraRobotics has been engaged since 2017 in educational activities. We held forums and seminars. Our company was one of the first in Russia to launch full-fledged training course on production robotization for R&D departments and project managers in collaboration with the industry leaders. It brings to our customers confidence in the effectiveness of the chosen solutions all the way of digital transformation long.

Our Mission

To increase the productivity, safety and competitiveness of manufacturing companies for the country’s industrial potential development through willful robotization.

Our Values

Leadership and Proactivity

We set trends and develop technological solutions

Empathy and Awareness

We help companies benefit from industrial robotics, set more ambitious goals and achieve excellent results. People are in the first place for us. Then their synergy with robots gives truly unsurpassed results.


We guarantee quality and constantly improve production technologies and know-how. We are not developing and integrating solutions, but help them become a full-fedged part of you ecosystem.

MetraRoboticsPortal to the World of Industrial Robotics

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